Monday, May 17, 2010

Summer Challenge 2010!

Crazy busy day, but I just wanted to say that I'm joining The Summer Challenge 2010 created by Kandice over at No More CHUNKY DUNKING, time to skinny dip!

More details later (how do I get that badge thingy here?) Anyhoo I hereby pledge:

To weigh myself every Friday.
To lose 10 pounds by the end of the challenge (August 23). If I lose more, great.
To work out at the gym at least 3 times a week. If I go more, great!

All doable! Thanks Kandice!


  1. You are not late, LOL. It doesn't start until next monday May 24. Of course you can join. Thank you, I'm actually getting a few people to join me on this journey so it should be fun. Good luck and Post your start weight next Monday and then every Friday after that. I will be sending out a reminder at the end of this week for everyone so they don't forget to post their start weights on Monday. Look forward to seeing your progress.


  2. Oh and the badge just right click on it and save it to your computer and then when you start your post click on the add picture and selected the badge picture you saved to your computer and then just type your post and it should work that way.
