Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Link Sharing!

It is good blog behavior to acknowledge other blogs, isn't it? Especially if you are resposting links and ideas they posted right? Good, I'm glad we agree.

Once I started this weight loss journey, one blog led me to another. I love reading Bitch Cakes. She is so detailed in sharing what she eats, how she exercises and her journey. But one thing I really have to thank her for is introducing me to Almond Cheese. She tells all about it here. We have soy cheese in my house because Thing 2 is lactose intolerant, and sometimes I'll put some in with scrambled eggs, but I must say the Almond Cheese is better. More like real cheese. I've only tried mozzarella, but looking forward to more. I found mine at EarthFare. But in addition to the almond cheese recommendation, she just details so much of how she works at losing weight and keeping healthy, and I really appreciate that!

I also like reading Swimming it Off by "midlife swimmer". I too am in the mid-life range, and I am inspired by how much exercise she does. It makes me realize I can do more.

I am in awe of Tyler at 344 Pounds for his success and for recently posting a weight gain. He's honest and I can relate to his lapses!

Lynn of Lynn's Weigh is also inspiring. I can relate to her.

Although Susan at The Great Balancing Act is much younger than I am, I love reading what she's eating and have learned a few things about protein powder!

I read other blogs and will likely reference them soon. I think it's good to acknowledge that we're all in this together and give credit to those who inspire, don't you?

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